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Minggu, 09 Maret 2014

Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition - Playstation 3 (Video Game) newly tagged "xbox 360"

There's a little disc icon that turns into an orange, one-wheeled robot labeled "BONUS CONTENT."

Sure enough, all 4 add-on packs appear here. The smallest is about 550MB, the largest is 1.6GB. No code needed... but a voucher code is still included. Mine was behind the map, before the instruction manual. I have not used it, but I did install the expansions to test - they install with no code and appear in-game (the menu tells you they're available and you need to go to a fast travel station to get to them).

As of this writing, the "most helpful" one-star reviews bash the decision to not include the 4 expansion packs on disc. I can understand this, considering other games (Fallout 3 GOTY, which I purchased along with Borderlands GOTY) DID put the content on there. It made the game feel disposable - once your voucher was used up, your resale is the same as the regular BL game. I am thankful for all those who complained. I can't help but think someone somewhere heard your logic and agreed.

Here's the problem - as of now, there's no way to tell what version you're getting. I bought mine from Amazon so I can confirm that at least one batch of theirs has it - but that's not to say everyone will get a "new" version. Same in-store. There was nothing physically on the outside that told me I was getting bonus content on disc. So until all of the old stock is purged, there are going to be some disappointed consumers. Even after that, there's sure to be fraudulent after-market sales of used GOTY editions.

Good luck in getting the version you want, and enjoy the game - I'm pretty stoked about the hours in Pandora front of me.

Until it becomes established knowledge that there are in fact "on-disc" versions, check Gearbox & 2K's forums for official word. As of Jan 2011, I still feel things are speculative among the online community of BL players, even though I can personally confirm vouchers are not needed for the newest printings. This is what you get when game developers waffle, but I thank the powers that be for getting it right; sorry to those who "suffered" for the rest of our benefit. ;)

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Sabtu, 08 Maret 2014

LEGO: Marvel - Xbox 360 (Video Game) newly tagged "xbox 360"

Heli-carrier and on some of the missions sounds like an adaptation of Alan Silvestri's score from "The Avengers", lending more gravitas to the game (or as much gravitas as you can lend to a game made up of Lego bricks).

The gameplay itself is outstanding. With the HUB/sandbox being concentrated in and around Manhattan, there's plenty to do in the Big Apple. Every corner of the city is alive and teeming with different challenges, from random encounters with the various denizens of the Marvel Universe like J. Jonah Jameson, Heimdall and The Punisher, to races with the likes of Ghost Rider and Blade, to puzzle-solving with Ant-Man and Reed Richards. There is never a shortage of main story and side-missions to immerse yourself in. Additionally, the controls are identical to the Lego Batman controls, and the puzzles, land races and challenges are not too difficult, so that younger children (like my 6-year old) will find themselves challenged and not frustrated or upset. The map of the city is big but not clunkily so, enough to keep children immersed in the experience, and the mapping is superb, not too far from the amazing job Rockstar did on Liberty City in GTA IV. All the major landmarks are there (The Empire State Building, Central Park, Grand Central Station), as well as the tried-and-true Marvel Universe landmarks (The Stark Tower, The Baxter Building, The Daily Bugle, The Oscorp Tower, Dr. Strange's Sanctum Sanctorum, The Avengers Mansion and the X-Mansion).

Did I mention the insane amount of playable characters? This is quite frankly the largest number of characters ever employed in a Lego game to date. There are 132 playable characters, not including pre-order characters and DLC (An Asgard DLC pack is rumored to be in the offering once "Thor: The Dark World" hits theaters). As a result, there's a little bit of everything for everyone; Avengers fans can play as any one of their favorite heroes, X-Men fans have their merry band of mutants to use, Fantastic Four fans have theirs, etc. Even Rocket Raccoon and the Guardians of the Galaxy are available! Not a fan of the good guys? You can play as any of the evil mutants from The Brotherhood, or as the Sinister Six. Characters both big and small, from Abomination, the Red Skull and the Heroes For Hire, to minor characters, like Howard the Duck, Union Jack and Squirrel Girl, are playable. Even Stan Lee shows up, playing the Citizen in Peril throughout the game.

As per the norm, there are 45 Xbox achievements in the game, and some of them are a doozies. Adults who have spent time reading Marvel comics and watching the various films will recognize a lot of them and have a knowing smile when uncovering them, from the "Fastball Special" to "Welcome to Level 7" to "It's Clobberin' Time!". There are also a few in-jokes that will have the adults chuckling if not outright laughing, from Nick Fury paraphrasing Jules' "Avenging Angel" speech from "Pulp Fiction" to a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent cracking a joke about "Snakes on a Plane", making a point to use clean language (since it IS an E10+ game).

Now, all the above being said, the game is not flawless; no game is ever flawless, and Lego Marvel Super Heroes suffers from many of the similar issues that plagued prior Lego offerings. The split-screen during multiplayer sessions is still frustratingly uneven, leading to some situations where certain missions necessitate one of the players dropping out because it is otherwise impossible to reach certain areas of the screen. An example: There was an outlet that a charged-up Thor needed to activate in order to uncover a brick, but because of the split screen when I would get near the spot the outlet would just DISAPPEAR. After some head-scratching between me and my daughter, we finally realized that if she dropped out of the game the outlet would reappear. It was unreal, and I could just imagine the confusion if 2 children are playing the game together and this happens to them.

The flying mechanics are also still annoying, which is unfortunate since a lot of the gold bricks require some sort of flying challenge to uncover them. Making matters worse, a number of the flying challenges take place in and around Manhattan, which just adds to the frustration as there is literally zero room for error. After trying to complete a flying challenge and failing time after time after time, I wanted to throw my controller across the room. And if *I* have a problem doing the flying challenges, you can imagine the difficulty my 6 and 10-year old have. It's just a damper on an otherwise superb game and is going to make 100% completion of the game extremely difficult.

Despite the aforementioned (which I consider minor) issues, this is a game that is as fun for adults as it is for kids. Lego Marvel Super Heroes has earned each and every one of its 5 stars and is a must for Lego and Marvel enthusiasts alike. Excelsior!

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Unknown Marvel, newly, tagged, Video
Jumat, 07 Maret 2014

Twice Tempted: A Night Prince Novel (Kindle Edition) newly tagged "xbox 360"

Dating the Prince of Darkness has its challenges . . .

Leila's psychic abilities have been failing her,and now she isn't sure what the future holds. If that weren't enough, her lover Vlad has been acting distant. Though Leila is a mere mortal, she's also a modern woman who refuses to accept the cold shoulder treatment forever--especially from the darkly handsome vampire who still won't admit that he loves her.

Like choosing between eternal love and a loveless eternity . . .

Soon circumstances send Leila back to the carnival circuit, where tragedy strikes. And when she finds herself in the crosshairs of a killer who may be closer than she realizes, Leila must decide who to trust--the fiery vampire who arouses her passions like no other, or the tortured knight who longs to be more than a friend? With danger stalking her every step of the way, all it takes is one wrong move to damn her for eternity . . .

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Kamis, 06 Maret 2014

Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed Bonus Edition - Xbox 360 (Video Game) newly tagged "xbox 360"

The controls are simple enough to be picked up and played with ease by anyone, yet difficult to perfect. They've really done a fantastic job of requiring skill to truly succeed with not only racing, but weapon use and defense. Drifting for boost can involve a careful balance of throttle, stunts require timing and aren't a simple gimmick like what I've seen in newer Mario Kart games where just jumping up and down randomly gets you a boost (stunts can actually fail if timed poorly, thus slowing you down in the game). Skill in planes also rewards you for risky maneuvers - barrel rolls and flips aren't only useful for evading weapons - but they encourage risky/cool flying because you get boosts for risky behavior.

CHARACTERS/KARTS: Of the negative points made in other reviews, characters are mentioned. They are not as familiar as Nintendo - and even to Sega fans, may not be familiar. They aren't to me - as I really only recall the Sonic type characters... but I do not care what the characters look like. The "fresh" and "new-to-me" characters are welcome, whoever they are. Each character drives a different Kart, and each Kart has a unique handling style that isn't simply based on "weight" like the N64 Mario Kart days. Given the same Kart mods, there is still something unique in the way they handle and you will quickly develop favorites to choose for the various types of races depending on whether or not you need better handling for a flight challenge, speed for a timed lap race, or acceleration (among other attributes).

KART vs BOAT vs PLANE: Another point criticized in other reviews is the sense of lost speed for boats and planes. This may feel true at first when hopping into a boat, but as a boater myself... a sense of speed typically is lost on water. When all you have is blue surrounding you and no road signs or pavement texture below you passing by, it's hard to gauge how fast you're going. Just like when you're in a plane.. so arguing that a sense of speed is lost is just perception. Additionally, boats do accelerate poorly in water as they do in this game compared to Karts... so don't let your boat come to a stop (i.e. don't hit rocks). Additionally, waves play a roll - hit the waves properly, and choose gently turns to maintain speed. The boosts hit while boating or within a plane generate lots of speed - and if I were going any faster to begin with, some of the flying "ring" challenge modes would be near impossible to handle. I found the handling and control of each of these modes to be right on as well. Kart mode is awesome, boat is "fluid" and you get the sense of being tossed around if not adjusting properly - gentle turns and gradual direction changes are best for maintaining speed. Plane controls and feel works very well - left stick steers, right stick for barrel rolls and stunts... truly one of those games where the Xbox controller works with you and not against you.

GAME MODES: Single player mode is really well thought out, and unique. The progression through the game is not linear, and involves a great variety of options. It's best not to get into too many details here - just know that nothing disappoints. Multiplayer modes include battle style racing, where players are eliminated as they lose their three lives given. To win.. not all players need to be eliminated - you could also cross the finish line first (alive). There are also racing modes that keep weapons out - pure racing. Nearly any game mode can be play split screen with a friend cooperatively. I do not have a whole lot of multiplayer experience yet, which leads me to one of the few negatives - this is not a very popular game online yet. I was not able to find a game to play in late at night when I first tried. I don't know if I needed more patience because I'm used to starting up Halo 4 and finding players immediately or what. Hopefully this will change as the game gains popularity.

BALANCE (vs Mario Kart): Most weapons shoot in a straight line, requiring skill to hit targets. When hit by a weapon, your Kart doesn't come to a dead stop, and the speed loss while there isn't devastating. It can make the difference in a race, but can also usually be avoided if skilled. All shots can be blocked (technically) if you are equipped to do so. There is no stupid blue shell. Mario Kart really abuses that thing... it's sad that if you're racing a Mario Kart game and you're in first, the only way to avoid being hit is to drop out to second place (hoping they haven't launched the shell already while in first) - which jeopardizes you race since the pack may be close behind second place, and just isn't fun. It's stupid. There are two targeting like weapons in Sonic - one is somewhat rare and scrambles your controls (not much a problem if you just remember to reverse your steering), and the other a drone bot. This targets a vehicle in front of you - not first place automatically, and an indicator on your screen lets you know when it's near... so if you have a boost item or drift boost just at the right time, you can avoid it. There is a weapon that targets the lead cars, however it places objects in front of them so skilled driving around them (bees..actually) overcomes that. These more balanced approaches make for a much more fun game in my opinion. You'll more consistently place where you deserve to - as there aren't as many devastating chains of bad luck that take you from first to last.

OTHER: Polished graphics, creative tracks (landscape often changes for each lap allowing different vehicle use), shortcuts are fun along with great variety of options in track paths (the arcade demo is relatively linear, and a bad representation of this). Transformations are cool and well thought out - unique look to each character's vehicle.

There are too many good things to list, which is why this review has focused primarily on contradicting the various cons I've seen in other reviews throughout the internet.

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Rabu, 05 Maret 2014

Medal of Honor Warfighter - Xbox 360 (Video Game) newly tagged "xbox 360"

No one is lying when they say that this is a combination of COD and BF. But the fact you can distinguish who you are by country is very unique. Of course you have the option for weapon skin color.

Single player- As someone who served, and one who is married to a military service women... I feel they did a great job with the single player. The worst thing you can do is play this on easy and just try to swing through it. Play it on the hard settings, like a true gamer should. It makes it that much more enjoyable and rewarding. When you do complete the campaign, you open up the option to play it again on tier 1 or hardcore. Hardcore settings is very challenging, and you can open up a very nice achievement by completing it without dying. Very challenging is really nice to have for the hardcore gaming crowd. Download the HD settings if possible, you will not regret it. This game has to best cut scenes out of any FPS hands down! Without spoiling anything, you will also have a couple car missions. Those are very unique and very well made for this game. The story can be a little difficult to track, and I understand that complaint by those who make it. They did make it in a sense where they expect you to know the characters. For those who are purchasing this as their first MOH game, it can lead to a little confusion on that part. If your prior service, I promise you this. You will more than likely enjoy the campaign mode on this game. Especially if you achievement hunt while doing it lol.

Multiplayer- I already covered the gameplay on this, so this will be a little shorter. I'm going to make me major point. PLAY WITH A FRIEND ON HERE. If the fire team is used like it should be... It is a very good multiplayer FPS. If you do not, and play with a random person... You more than likely will not just dislike this game, you may regret even buying it. Working with your fire team member offers a variety of advantages. You can heal each other, resupply your team member, and if you avenge your partner's death it will bring him back without crediting him one. All of these things I mentioned provide points, depending on how many points you get, you will get streaks. With those you will hit certain advantages given by what you choose as your soldiers personality. The weapons selection provides to foundation of what weapons your will use. The maps take some getting use to, but are very well built. They are made for team work. Our group plays to win, and we have found that working in your full team of 12 with these maps provides some great advantages. If you do not work with your fire team at a minimum, you will have many disadvantages to those tha do work together. I have not found any MAJOR glitches. No one crawling under the map or anything like that. No saying every once n a while you might have to jump to get across something you shouldn't have to jump to get by lol. (This did come out longer than I thought).

Worth and Replay Value- I am going to be honest. If you are not a team player, and do not want to be... Do not buy this game, that's why COD is available. It is very rare to see anyone walking out of a game without getting killed, and killing many. And those guys are taking advantage of the fire team opportunities that are available. The single player is very enjoyable and intense, there are things evolved in it that make it very unique. The multiplayer is tough to love if your not open minded and up for something s little different. It's crazy, but the more I play it. The more I love it. Graphics are great and is a very smooth shooter. Nothing wrong for disliking it, because there are real reasons not to. It comes down to preference on this one. The replay value is high, because the more you get use to things and learn what combinations work best for you... The better it gets. I hope this helps guys. You want to play on Xbox 360, hit me up at gamer tag "FoodnDrugAdmin".

Overall rating of game 7.75/10

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Selasa, 04 Maret 2014

SanDisk 16GB Cruzer Bamboo USB 2.0 Flash Drive (SDBAMBOO-0016G-B35S) (Personal Computers) newly tagged "xbox 360"

Sometimes symbols of nature can feel calming that to have a hard piece of metal. I wish all my usb flash drives were coated in wood.

It's built well, so far, I have no technical problems.

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Senin, 03 Maret 2014

Dance Central 2 - Xbox 360 (Video Game) newly tagged "xbox 360"

My personal favorite new additions include the ability to make my own playlists and the Dance Crew challenges. There are already a decent amount of pre-made playlists, but you are able to pick your own songs for some killer back-to-back dancing sessions. As for the Dance Crew challenges, this is as close as you are going to get in a story mode for the game. Essentially, you meet a Dance Crew, dance the selected songs, and unlock the next crew. This makes it more of an immersive game versus dancing for the heck of it.

One huge bonus of Dance Central 2 is the ability to have two players, either playing cooperatively or battling it out. The second player can hop in and out of the game with ease and at any time. Like the song? Jump in and play. That easy.

One of the main niceties of playlists is for working out. Our Kinect to Fitness and Health group has already seen great success in people losing up to and over 100 pounds from playing the original Dance Central. On top of the improvements already mentioned, the workout mode now has its own screen in Dance Central 2. Calories are tracked from every activity, including Break It Down mode. When doing the playlists, the songs flow from one to another without interruption. What I absolutely LOVE is how quickly you now move into the song. No more waiting for your dancer to bounce around and talk buckets of smack. They might do a quick move and a few words, but nothing like the original Dance Central. And finally, when the dancing is done, the calories are added all up. The calorie tracker may not be totally correct (no weight or gender asked), but you definitely have an idea of how close you are to burning off that Halloween candy.

Break It Down mode has returned and has been made more inviting for us impatient folks. The same mode from the original has returned, but with added voice control. There is a sweet satisfaction in yelling, gskiph after being told to perform ehitch a ridef for the millionth time. Better yet, for the returning veterans, you will be able to pick out certain steps to learn, versus learning the routine. And for the curious mind that wants to know exactly what they are doing, you can shout, grecord videoh and a video of you dancing a particular move will show up behind the dance leader for comparison.

The final added feature that really brightened my day was the cleaned up store-front. The first Dance Central had the ability to buy extra songs, but was made cumbersome by having to pull up an extra menu and scroll through a few songs at a time. The new store is built into the game and is just as easy to navigate as the playerfs song list is. With a quick flick of the wrist, you can be jamming to James Brown in no time.


Despite all the nifty new features, the dividing point between Dance Central 2 and Just Dance 3 seems to be the songs and the graphics. Ifll have a more detailed comparison of these two games up later. As for Dance Central 2, the graphics are very similar, but have definitely had an overall. Character models are similar, but backgrounds and special effects have been smoothed out and upgraded. The game is a lot more pleasing to the eye. Between the scenic locales and neon hand paths, everything feels more alive than the original.

Everything in a dance game comes down to one thing: songs. The fact is, if you enjoy the music, you will enjoy dancing to it. Dance Central 2 has everything from Gaga to Willow in it. There isnft a song on the list that you probably wonft hear at the club. The song variety is a little more eclectic than the first Dance Central, but you still wonft find anything your granny might be anxious to jump into. The songs are all fun, even the Bieber one, but thankfully there are those playlists to pick your favoritescjust in case youfve had your fill of ethe Biebh.


When reviewing games, I like to look for the five ffs: family, fitness, fun, functionality, and firsts. Dance Central 2 is rated for the teen crowd and above. Mostly for lyrics, but there are a few mildly suggestive dances. I mean, do you really think you can dance Baby Got Back or The Humpty Dance without smacking some booty? For the fitness folks, there isnft a better game I can think of that will get your cardio flowing. Playlists and trimmed song intros will make sure you are getting a full heart-pounding workout. Without doubt Dance Central 2 is one of the most fun games around. Now with two player tracking and voice commands, the same trusted functionality of the original has been upped. There isnft a lot ground-breaking features that Dance Central 2 brings to the table, but you can expect a lot of additional features compared to the original. Calorie tracking, playlists, uploading to Facebook, and more have all been done by other games, but now you can have the complete package.


- Streamlined play
- Two players
- Playlist creation
- Calorie tracker
- Many more!!

- None!


If you have ever been interested in a dancing game, then this is the one to get. With the streamlined play, ability to bring in your previously owned songs, and added player tracking, youfll be partying for quite a while. The song selection has spread out, but still maintains its roots. Essentially, the bottom line is, if you own a Kinect then you will need to eventually own Dance Central 2.

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Minggu, 02 Maret 2014

Minecraft - Xbox 360 (Video Game) newly tagged "xbox 360"

Even if it is playing with blocks in 2d rendered environment, it the best, safest, fun game you can get for your children, and your husband or even grampa. It is for all ages.

My children have been playing mine craft on the PC, the digital Xbox version, and even the mobile or pocket version for a year. This version that they can see, relate to, and not have to rely on virtual gaming is the best. For some reason, having this on a disc makes all the difference. It is something my autistic son can now relate to. He can just pick up the disc and take it with him to family or friends houses to share. Whereas before they were lugging their whole gaming system.

Anyway mine craft has greatly improved my sons social interaction, his speech, and his self esteem. He realizes that he is the creator of his own world, not only in mine craft but in the real world now. It has opened up so much opportunities for him. It has also taught all of my children the benefits of sharing, and the loving peaceful environments that do exist if only we could all pull together and build them.

You create your world. And there is no game lag with this version. Xbox live is not required. Yeah! You can build almost anything you want with the blocks. Especially if you play in creative mode. Then everything is provided for you. This mode gives you an easy play. Survival mode becomes a small challenge as you have to go out and work for or earn your items and blocks. You must dig for and mine your items. Example. You must first locate 2 sticks, and either 3 diamonds, iron, or cobblestone to make a pick axe that helps you mine blocks. In order to get the iron, you need a stone pickaxe which you make with sticks and cobblestone.

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Sabtu, 01 Maret 2014

Wireless 2.4 GHz Wireless A/B/G/N Network WiFi Adapter For Microsoft XBOX 360 (Video Game) newly tagged "xbox 360"

The Xbox 360 Wireless N Networking Adapter is your cord-free connection to Xbox LIVE. Quickly access HD movies, TV episodes, game demos,Game Add-ons,and more. Broadly compatible and blazing fast,the compact adapter fits onto the back of your console.


Dual band 5 GHz and 2.4 GHz Wireless A/B/G home network compatible
Compact, high-performance design
Powered by Xbox 360 to eliminate adapter clutter
Windows Vista Media Center compatible

Package included: 1 x Wireless N Networking Adapter

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Jumat, 28 Februari 2014

Pritect Sensor Cover for Xbox 360 and Windows Kinect - Privacy, Protection, Dust (Accessory) newly tagged "xbox 360"


This product is ridiculous. Your Kinect is not spying on you. I hate to tell you, but if you're worried about this, try not to look around when you step outside. Cameras are everywhere, this is probably the one you should worry the least about.

People should probably look into other... Read more

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Kamis, 27 Februari 2014

Transformers: Dark of the Moon - Xbox 360 (Video Game) newly tagged "xbox 360"

High Moon Studios' War for Cybertron was probably the best Transformers game ever made. It's only real competition for the title was the PS2 Transformers based on the Armada series. If you took everything special about War for Cybertron and stripped it down to its basic gameplay mechanics, you'd have Dark of the Moon.

High Moon Studios decided to use an element of play that really bugged me about the control in Revenge of the Fallen. Namely, the need to hold down a trigger button to stay in one of your modes. Since they added a "stealth force" mode, that is now your default transformation from robot mode. To transform to a vehicle, you have to keep the left trigger held down. But wait, there's more. To steer, you use the RIGHT analog stick, WHILE holding down the left trigger. To boost, you hold down the right bumper, and to use your e-brake, you hold down the right trigger button. Don't worry too much, because you'll spend most of your time in stealth mode.

Forget spending a whole lot of time in robot mode, as you'll just die faster. Even on easy, this game is no picnic. To artificially lengthen play time, swarms of the exact same Bayish Decepticlones (to borrow a term from the Transformers Armada game) keep coming at you. Along the way, more Autobots will join your fight, but you'll hardly notice them having any impact. The most use you'll get out of any Autobot is Ratchet, who will heal you when your health meter is low. As per usual in a Transformers game, if you can find a safe hiding spot, your health will regenerate automatically.

Unlike previous games, there are not two separate campaigns. The game assigns you a character; you can't even pick from a roster. You'll start out as Bumblebee driving through generic earth environments.

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Rabu, 26 Februari 2014

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 with DLC Collection 1 -Xbox 360 (Video Game) newly tagged "xbox 360"

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is First-person Shooter rooted in a fictional, but ultra realistic near-future conflict of mostly American forces with those of the Russian Federation around the globe. The third installment in the Modern Warfare branch of the Call of Duty franchise, Modern Warfare 3 features a heavy focus on multiplayer gameplay which includes innovative new functionality that encourages multiple gameplay combat strategies, a new 2-player co-op option, new play modes, weapons and more. The game also includes a gripping single player campaign that picks up where Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 left off, and game integration with the Call of Duty: Elite online service.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 game logo

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is a direct sequel to the previous game in the series, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. In the game's single player campaign Russian Ultranationalist Vladimir Makarov continues his manipulation of Russian Federation forces in their invasion of the United States and Europe. In their way stands characters like Task Force 141 Captain John "Soap" MacTavish, former SAS Captain John Price as well as new playable characters from Delta Force and the British SAS. Engage enemy forces in New York, Paris, Berlin and other attack sites across the globe. The world stands on the brink, and Makarov is intent on bringing civilization to its knees. In this darkest hour, are you willing to do what is necessary.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 delivers a multiplayer experience that continues to raise the bar by focusing on fast-paced, gun-on-gun combat, along with innovative features that support and enhance a large variety of play-styles. Now, you can truly define your approach with a toolkit more expansive than any previous title.

Urban squad based combat from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Continue the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare in the third release in the series.
View largerMultiplayer screen from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

Killstreaks, benefits and abilities awarded for stringing together multiple kills, have been transformed into Pointstreaks, creating a system that rewards players both for landing kills and completing objectives. These rewards have been broken up into three different categories, known as Strike Packages:

Assault - Pointstreaks within this package chain together and deal direct damage. It includes classics like the Predator Missile and Attack Helicopter. Your streak resets on death.Support - Pointstreaks within this package do not chain, focusing instead on surveillance and disruption. Your streak does not reset on death meaning they will respawn with you. Specialist - Pointstreaks within this package are designed for advanced players. Rewards come in the form of additional perks for optimal performance. These perks last until death.

Just like your player, weapons now rank up, unlocking additional attachments, reticules, camos and the new proficiency category. Weapon Proficiencies not only allow you to get better with weapons, they also allow you customize your weapons with helpful attributes such as "Kick" for reduced recoil, "Impact" for deeper penetration through hard surfaces and much more. Many proficiencies are specific to their weapons class. And all are geared towards enhancing a certain play style and can allow for efficient use of your favorite weapons in maps and game modes in which they might not otherwise be the best choice.

Along with the return of the fan favorites Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 introduces several new game modes. Collect dog tags from killed players, including those on your squad while you prevent the opposing squad from taking yours in Kill Confirmed mode. In Team Defender mode, grab the flag and protect the flag carrier for as long as you can to increase your team's score. In addition players will enjoy user generated match mode functionality which allows you to configure any mode how you want it and then share these over the Call of Duty: Elite online service.

Special Ops cooperative action returns with a bevy of additions, including 16 new objective-based missions and the all-new Survival Mode. Team up online, locally, or play solo and face endless waves of attacking enemies throughout every multiplayer map. Purchase and customize your weapons, air support, equipment and abilities to stand up against increasingly difficult forces and land a spot on the leaderboards. Earn experience and rank up with the newly implemented progression system. The higher the rank, the more weapons, air support, and gear armories you will have available to customize so you can change your tactics on the fly. In addition to the action packed battle for freedom, the cooperative Survival Mode also serves as an effective training tool for competitive multiplayer action.

Call of Duty: Elite is an online multiplayer oriented service launched simultaneously with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. The service offers both free and subscription based levels of access and is dedicated to the game franchise, featuring lifetime statistics across multiple games, social-networking options, competitions, a mobile app, Facebook integration and more.

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Selasa, 25 Februari 2014

Assassin's Creed: Revelations (Video Game) newly tagged "xbox 360"

As I mentioned, climbing, combat and moving with the crowd is mostly the same as prior games, which isn't a bad thing necessarily. There are some new movement features, such as the grappling claw and (by proxy) the zipline. Nothing to write home about. Combat and crowd have the added factor of bombs, but as some have already pointed out, they are not exactly essential to Ezio's arsenal. 1-2 recipes are all that you'll need for most of the game. It can be interesting to use some of the other bomb types in various scenarios but again, in terms of combat experience, they aren't that fascinating.

The new gameplay additions come in the form of a tower-defense minigame as well as contracting recruited assassins and remotely controlling territory (I believe it's called the "Mediterranean Defense" minigame). These, honestly, I could do without. I liked the mission-style usage in the past game as a way to level up your recruits and score a bit of extra cash while you collected flags/chests and whatnot, but the new minigames just put too much pressure on you to keep up with what's going on. Tower defense is pretty lame; honestly I'd rather just go down on the ground and melee combat my way through attackers. Overall, I can appreciate UbiSoft wanting to expand their game but I would have done without the new minigames.

STORY - 8/10
I don't want to give anything away. You'll have needed to play Brotherhood to really understand what is going on. The actual pacing of the story depends on your playstyle, but I myself found it adequate and in the same overall tone and style of the previous 2 games.

SOUND - 9/10
Sound quality stays at the usual levels of excellence from the prior games. In my experience the voice actors do a good job all around, and the game's sound effects are solid too.

A low score here shouldn't be unexpected. Replayability from the single player perspective is mostly the same as it was with the prior games. You're free to roam the city, cause chaos, do the minigames and side missions as you please once the campaign is finished. Is it as fun? In my opinion, not really. I'd rather move on to another game, but that's just me; to each his own.

Here's where the game moves from a 3/5 star to a 4/5 star. The multiplayer is a great experience. Unless you've played Brotherhood, I guarantee you will not have tried something like this before. The multiplayer is completely unique and mostly involves trying to trick other players. Reflexes and coordination is almost secondary to how strategy and deception in this multiplayer; can you make other players think you are just an NPC (a computer controlled character), while figuring out which of the characters walking around on your screen is your player target? That's the gist of multiplayer and, while I can understand it's not for everyone, I find it to be a blast.

The good news here is the MP is MUCH more streamlined than it was in Brotherhood. There is an XP system much like most MP games these days (MW3, BF3) allowing you to level up and spend points unlocking and upgrading abilities to suit your playstyle. I'll admit there's a bit of a learning and leveling curve; high level players will have significant ability advantages over starting players, but the game can still be a lot of fun.

New MP game modes like Deathmatch, Assassination, and Corruption add even more depth to the multiplayer experience. I bought this game mostly for the multiplayer. If it sounds like it's something you're into, I'd heartily recommend giving it a shot.

OVERALL - 7.5/10 (4 stars)
As I mentioned I bought this game for $35. November and October had heavy hitters in the video game world, and this game not only warranted a buy in my mind but the multiplayer has it as the #2 or #3 game that I'm playing now (behind Battlefield 3 and Skyrim depending on my mood). The fact that it can pull some of my interest and playtime given the other games out there should say something about Revelations.

However, I realize that the appeal of this game to me, personally, may not be something shared by all gamers. Would I pay $60 for this game? No. I would, myself, be happy to have paid $45, maybe even $50. For someone unsure about this game, I would wait until a $40 price point. For fans of Brotherhood, particularly of the multiplayer, however, you are probably like me and would be content with a $45 price tag.

I hope my review was helpful. Feel free to ask me any followup questions in the comments section. Thanks for reading!

View the original article here

Senin, 24 Februari 2014

Turtle Beach Ear Force XP400 Dolby Surround Sound Gaming Headset (Accessory) newly tagged "xbox 360"

Pairing to the wireless controller communicator was done at the factory, so it really was a matter of: charge the headphones, plug in the receiver to the 360 (I used optical and replaced the X41 receiver), plug the headphone puck into the controller and power up the headphones. Powering up the headphones also turned on the wireless puck.

You can control the volume of game chat with buttons on the right headphone, mute is also on this headphone as is the Bluetooth pairing for cell phones. Being able to pair via Bluetooth is also how this headset also works with the PS3. PS3 chat isn't bad, but not as nice for me as the 360 chat, for which these headphones seem to have been designed. I paired this to my phone and made a few calls - everyone thought I sounded OK, just a little tinny.

Another nice feature is the mic gain control. This is what changes the mic sensitivity. With it turned all the way up, I hear a near constant hiss and those in my party commented that they could hear a lot of background noise, such as the heater running and family members talking in the background. I dialed this down, which eliminated most of the hiss, if not all, and my chat partners all commented that I was then quite clearly heard, however, I was still described as sounding "tinny."

One feature I really liked about the X41s was how no matter what volume I had the game volume set to, I could always clearly hear my party's conversations because they had some algorithm to figure out and volume match in game audio and raise chat volume when explosions and other loud audio is heard in game. The XP400 do as good a job as the X41s, which means it's quite a solid experience to hear conversation clearly as well as in game audio. The 7xBs had a similar feature, but it would actually audibly turn the volume down of game volume, which was kind of distracting, which was another reason I went back to the X41s.

The detachable microphone is nice, and seems to be about the same as the X41, though the XP400 is a bit thicker and beefier. The connection seems to be the same, though I haven't yet tried swapping mics between the two. I preferred the 7xB due to the retractable mic, but that feature alone wasn't a big enough reason for me to use them all the time.

In terms of sound quality, since the XP400s can use digital audio output from the 360 (and it can also take analog, that red and white connection), you get very clear audio and darn good surround sound as well. In terms of the X41 vs the XP400, I think the XP400 has a little bit of an edge in terms of sound quality. In game surround just sounds better with the XP400s to me. The XP400 also has the ability to change the surround configuration to 4 different presets, all changing how it mixes each "channel" of audio in headphone. I've tried all 4 presets and each does change surround configuration subtly. I find the original surround mode works best for my ears.

Another nice feature is the preset "equalizer" modes. You can enhance nothing (what comes from the 360 is what you hear), you can enhance just bass for bigger explosions, you can enhance just treble for some dialog enhancements and other higher pitched sounds and then you can enhance both. I find I prefer the "both" option as it makes the audio sound a bit richer. All of these settings sound better, to me, than the 7xBs.

There is one feature, however, that I am completely not happy with on the XP400s. The battery is rechargeable, which is good, however it is built into the headset. It is NOT user replaceable! This means that in 2 years or so, after many recharge cycles, I'll either be forced to buy another pair of headphones or send these to Turtle Beach to pay a fee to have the battery replaced. I absolutely hate this about modern day electronics. Absolutely detest it - built in obsolescence so that people have to spend more money with the company releasing the product. iPad, iPhone, many Android phones, other MP3 players, etc. It's a huge load of horse patoot in my opinion. I like the X41s because I can field replace the AAA batteries on my own. 7xBs, same thing, replaceable batteries. Not so with the XP400. Thankfully you can still use the headphones while they are charging, however this means they aren't always wireless. Nothing is more annoying than having the headphones die mid game and then have to plug in. Of course, this isn't a completely different experience over having to replace the batteries mid play either, just different. I understand the need for a more powerful battery given the added features - Bluetooth eats battery, being completely wireless eats battery and so on. Just because I understand the need for more power than a few AAAs, doesn't mean I like having to have planned obsolescence and not being able to purchase and replace the battery on my own.

One thing that is an improvement is the XP400 actually gives you beeps to tell you the headset needs to be recharged. There was nothing more annoying with the XP41s to have them just die mid game, especially during multiplayer fighting as you stop hearing game audio AND chat when this happens. At least now I have about a 10 minute warning before the battery completely dies.

Turtle Beach claims 10 hours of battery life on a single charge for "normal" use and 15 for "optimal" use. What I've found is I can actually pull off about 12 - 13 hours if I turn off the Bluetooth function and just use it for game audio when I'm playing on my own. Adding BT and chat all the time and I'm down to around 11 hours.

Over all, the XP400s are a great improvement in every way to the XP41s in everything except for the battery being non-replaceable by the end user. Of course, the MSRP on the XP400 is about $20 higher than the X41s so there is that to remember.

Great surround sound
True surround sound, not simulated when using optical audio
Chat and game audio equalization (chat isn't covered up by in game sounds)
Completely wireless
No interference
360/PS3 compatibility
Can be paired to your cell phone and used while gaming - no fumbling to put headphones down to answer a call
10+ hour play time
Can be used w/ third party controllers (see Con below)
A step above the X41s
Adjustable microphone gain - if you want to hear yourself louder in the headphones, turn this up. If others in your chat can't hear you clearly, turn this up
BT pairing to cell phone

Tinny chat sound during party chat on 360 according to those in my parties
Battery isn't user replaceable
Third party (or 1st party wheels) require a cable for chat, which is NOT included (THOUGH THOSE w/ THE X41s, the cable that came with those headphones DOES work)

Why 4 stars? That battery thing does really annoy me. IF you don't mind not having the ability to replace the battery and don't mind the price, these are a solid 5 stars.

View the original article here

Minggu, 23 Februari 2014

Defiance - Xbox 360 (Video Game) newly tagged "xbox 360"

The NICE thing is the cut scenes (cinematic events developed with the game engine) include your character in them. It includes what you look like, what you're wearing, and everything you have chosen as features when you develop your character in the "Character Creation" mode. The story line (without spoiling anything) is in my opinion gripping enough to keep you occupied and involved.
-The Bad: The game gives you the ability to play "some" of the story missions with friends. In order to achieve this the User Interface allows you to "group" with friends in the game and play that mission when launched together as a team by the "group leader". This function is constantly broken and constantly members of your group cannot see you, see eachother, and end up in an identical environment but in a separate world. This leads to people not being able to play mission together despite the menu having a "Join Phase" option that when selected will re-spawn your character hopefully in the same world as the player you cant see... more times than not just completely failing to function. This also fails to function in Episode Missions AND Side Missions.
-You can pick from: Human Male, Human Female, Alien Male, Alien Female.
-Hair and hair color, Nose, Eyes, Facial structure, Mouth/Lips, Facial scars, Facial/Body tattoos... are all included in the character generator. The options available are enough to distinguish who you create, but are not vast enough to keep people from all picking the same "cool looking" hair style or "cool looking" tattoos. So keep in mind when creating your character that the one or two tattoos for the class your considering... alot of people may pick that too. There are four classes. Veteran, Survivalist, Machinist, and Outlaw. Picking one does not appear to have any "huge" impact on the storyline, nor does it appear to differentiate your in-game skills which develop later from a skill tree of WELL OVER 80 skills. The skills you pick can be leveled up more than once to increase their effectiveness. The skill tree does offer the ability to reset and rearrange it, although I have not done so yet.
-The Bad: A character class is relevant to nothing but the gun you start with in the game.

The Good:-Pistols and magnums, shotguns and sawed off shotguns, assault rifles and light machine guns, submachine guns and high magazine auto pistols, grenade launchers and rocket launchers and MORE... can all have up to 4 attachments IF you find the attachments for the weapons you like. Those attachments are: Scopes, Stocks, Magazines, and Barrels.
-Weapons also can be found or bought in the world WITH "synergy bonuses".
-Attachments go on weapons into Slots. Attachments can be found or bought in the world WITH "synergy bonuses".
-Both weapons AND attachments can be found or bought with elemental damages which apply to weapons.

The Bad: -Slots can be placed on weapons when you reach the required level. That required level changes based on Trions currentlt running hotfix or patch version. So if you have a weapon with no slots you can place slots on that weapon by paying a form of in-game money (Ark Salvage). This has become a problem, because through various updated patches the expense of placing slots on weapons has gone from more than double what it use to cost, on top of the fact that as you level up in the game, the costs to place slots goes up as well. The base stats on all weapons remain static and don't change no matter your level. The more you level, the more salvage is required to modify a weapon, the more you modify it the more it requires to BE "modified", and after achieving the max modifications of a weapon the changes made are literally and mathematically so small that they would go unnoticed if compaired to another weapon never modified at all. So the bottom line is the weapon modification system is completely a waste of time.
The WORSE: - the items in this game known as "Orange Items" which would be considered as the "Most rare" are primarily obtainable by paying REAL money into a roulette reward system. Whether you are on the official forums, youtube, wherever... Trion Worlds has designed the game to clearly benefit those willing to pay real money and reward them with items in game that have "Bonus Statistics". These purchases are made with "Bits". "Bits" are bought with "Microsoft Points", "Microsoft Points" are bought with real money. These bonus statistics are so small and minute that when compared to weapons in game without those bonuses you would never know they exist. Im talking differences that are 1 tenth of a whole number. A simple example would be a gun with a firerate of 10. If you pay Trion real money you may get a gun that has a fire rate of 11.2 at most. The longer the game has been out, the more expensive Trion has made in-game costs. The higher the costs, the less you can do, the less you can do, the more inventory you have to carry, and for that they sell space via BITS so you can carry more. Its disgusting.

--GAMEPLAY--(Was fun, until Trion clearly stopped caring and got greedy).
-During the game dynamic events called "Ark Falls" transpire. Ark Falls are when pieces of major objects orbiting the planet fall to the Earth carrying with them technology that upgrades your weapons. Trion has INCREASED everything it costs in the game to "play" the game, and DECREASED the ratio at which what you need to pay in the game is obtained via their patches.... unless you buy it using real money.
-During gameplay you will regularly get kicked from Trions servers with notifications stating "Your connection to our servers has timed out".
-During gameplay you will regularly lose your ability to see your friends IN the game. The option/s in place to resolve this issue has not resolved it since launch day.
-During gameplay the current patches have devised a system by which you are forcibly stuck with an extremely poor UI and an overwhelming amount of items that are designed to clearly take up your inventory space, only providing you with an option to pay real money to buy that space via microtransactions.
-There is no ability to play the game "IF" you cannot SUCCESSFULLY achieve updating your console with the most current patches from Trion Worlds Inc. Normally a patch takes 2-3 HOURS to download (regardless of your connection speed Trion has set pre-set speeds at which your download is achievable from them). These patches, taking 2-3 hours each, transpire at minimum every 2 weeks. That's not including random server down times from server crashes, server maintenance, server resets, and randomly scheduled hot fixes for their servers that despite saying "will not interfere with your gameplay" on their main web page, disconnects everyone from their servers for up to 12 hours at a time.
This game "WAS", and Im saying "WAS" playable within the first 30 days of its launch date. But as of now, this game is regularly dysfunctional at best. I severely recommend you NOT buy this game. It was a purchase worth making when it first came out, but due to the current IP laws and how this developer has changed the functionality of this product POST-launch it is NO LONGER a game worth recommending. It saddens me when Developers take advantage of IP laws and manipulate a consumers purchase post-sale in an attempt to trap them into paying more money in order to utilize their purchase. Not only do I not recommend the game, I don't recommend the developer for any game they will ever make.

View the original article here

Unknown Defiance, newly, tagged, Video
Sabtu, 22 Februari 2014

Dragon Ball Z for Kinect - Xbox 360 (Video Game) newly tagged "xbox 360"

When the game was first announced i was worried that it would be like ultimate tenkaichi (UT) or the kinect sensor would not pick up. Well i am happy to say that the game is fantastic, however if you did not like UT then you should stay away.

When i first put the game in I found it used UT soundtrack, but i love that music, so it does not effect me. Still it has been a year since the last dbz game so a new soundtrack would have been nice. All in all this game is just like UT only you use your body. The animations are the same and so is the voice acting. A lot of stuff was recycled from UT, I can not stress that enough. The Story is the same from UT and the voices too.

One the positive side, Punching,kicking, and ki blasts work great. I have not had one problem with the kinect sensor or using super attacks. Its really fun to do a kamehamha or special beam cannon. WIth over 50 characters there is good amount of re play value.

The special movie is the story of bardock after he was killed by freeza, included as a special subbed movie, which was a mistake i made after i said it was dubbed. Its about 20 min long. The true fans of dbz have already seen the movie in japanese, Its a nice addition, but it can be seen on any website.

Overall I highly recommend this game , even its UT with your body as the controller. Fighting game fans might not like it, but bandia games made a great game for dbz fan and im glade they still care unlike toei animation. Weather you played UT or not, loved it or hate it, or like kinect games. Dbz for kinect is a great way to jump back into the dbz universe. JUST KNOW THAT THIS IS UT WITH YOU AS THE CONTROLLER, BUT THIS IS NOT A BAD THING, ITS AN IMPROVEMENT!

Edit, oct 15 : A good game still.

View the original article here

Jumat, 21 Februari 2014

Tritton Trigger Stereo Headset for Xbox 360 (Accessory) newly tagged "xbox 360"

The Base Station looks like a futuristic Rocket Launcher, and the Warhead itself has a "New Gen" appearance, with curvy lines, embosed "Tritton" Logo, and Glossy finish. There is a magnetic faceplate on both the Base Station and the Warhead for the batteries as well. On the Headset you will various buttons. On the left side, you have a Stereo to Optical button, a Volume Switch for Voice Chat, and your Selectable Voice Monitoring Button. On the right side, you have a EQ Option to four pre-set Options (None, Game, Music, Movies), a Volume Switch for Game Volume, a pairing button on the left side and a power button on the right side.

All in all, everything worked properly and there were little to no problems. The only complaints I do have is the Optical Cable being a bit flimsy, the Warhead's finish a fingerprint magnet, and while the button's are tactile and responsive, they do feel cheap.

Setup and Layout:

The Warhead is easily the most simple headset I have ever used. Just simply plug your A/C adapter and Optical Cable (or RCA Cable) in, put in those rechargeable batteries (one in the Warhead, and the other in the Base Station), turn on your Xbox, pair your controller, and you are good to go. This Setup took me about 1 minute, 10 Seconds, and for setup, that's fast. As stated above, all of your controls are at your fingertips, so changing various settings on the fly is simple. The Base Station also has an indicator telling you how many Warheads are hooked up. If your friends have a Warhead, then it can be paired up with your own Base Station, and up to four are allowed. As for the Layout, it saves space. No Cables running out to me, and no tethered cord, which works very welk with the Warhead. Even better, those two Rechargable Batteries are 3.7V, 1,800 mAh. Let me repeat that, two 3.7V, 1800 mAh batteries. Now the manual says 12 hours, but I got up to 18. This beats both the A50 and XP500 hands down, the former getting 9-10 hours, and the latter getting 9 on the dot.

Overall, very pleased with the setup. No issues here, pretty much everything worked fine. The battery life, though, is just icing on the cake, and it is something ASTRO Gaming and Turtle Beach should pay close attention to.


The Warhead does not feature Memory-Foam Padding, but there is a great amount of plush in the earcup. The Earcups themselves are removable, but no secondary padding was included. The stock faux leather padding was more breatheable than in the older AX Models, and your ears will not get as sweaty, keyword being "as." I had gotten on average 3-5 hours, which is not bad, but is not great either. To give a comparison, the XP500 and A50 had much better padding materials. Continuing on with the Warhead, the Earcups do swivel for breaks, and the Earcups can contour with larger or smaller heads. The headrail is also adjustable for larger and smaller heads. The Flexibilty of the Warhead is good, but not great. It does feel stiff compared to the Astro A50 or Turtle Beach XP500, but it can get the job done. Inside of the earpads though, is no padding at all, so those of you who have bigger ears, all I can say is "OUCH!"

In the end though, the Warhead is good to wear for long sessions, but there is somewhat of an anomaly. The Warhead is so comfy, but is comfy enough that I noticed the Warhead being there, which is not a bad thing, but not a great one either.

Sound Performance:

Well, it is all what you have been waiting for, the Audio Performance. The Warhead solves the usual wireless problem by going up to a 5.8Ghz wireless frequency. By doing so, 2.4Ghz devices, such as Wireless Routers, will not interfere with the Headset. In my testing, I did not experience any static or hiss, unlike the XP500, which, in my case, is appearent. For the Stereo Setting, the sound was surprisingly underscored. The sound was good, but for the $300 Pricetag, its underwhelming and a bit dissapointing. The low end was good but it lacked some definition, the mids were warm but vocals could not be heard clearly or blended in too much in music, and the high end was clear, but dark and mildy squashed at times. Listening to songs like "I am all of Me" by Crush 40 or "Higher Ground" by the Red Hot Chili Peppers shows off how good the Warheads are for music Overall, for stereo, it is good, but not as good as the A50, and to an extent, the XP500. Thankfully, you have Dolby Digital options so here are the results, but before we get into that, let me explain how Dolby Digital works:

Science of Dolby Digital:

In order to recreate a 5.1 Surround Sound Setup, Dolby Headphone is mixed with Dolby Digital. Dolby Digital then uses 5.1 Channels of audio in a Surround Sound Setup, then uses various DSP's (Digital Sound Processors) to Simulate 5.1 Channels of audio to the Headset. For 7.1, Dolby Pro Logic IIx is added in as two rear filler channels with the 5.1 signal to get Dolby Digital 7.1. One important note though. Although the Warhead says "7.1", the Xbox only Outputs 5.1. The EQ Settings change the Dynamic Range and Compression of Audio

Now that you know how exactly the Warhead works, take a look at the results:


Definitely the worst of the three EQ settings. The low end does get kicked up a notch, and even though it (thankfully) did not drown out the mids and highs, in games like Call of Duty: Black Ops, it can be a problem. Footsteps were easier to track, but gunfire did not give me a realistic feel. Other games, like Hydro Thunder Hurricane, or Split Second, did have a more natural feel. Overall, though, this option is not what I recommend. The highs and mids are great, but amplifying bass can be a bit of a problem.


This option tones down the bass so that mids and highs have a little more breathing room. This can be good for games like Black Ops and Halo Reach, but the bass does not suffer as much as one would think. Still, this is a solid option. While playing Black Ops or Reach is fun, you might wanna play something else, and that is were game falls a bit short. Unlike a bit too much bass for the Music EQ, Game EQ does have good bass, but not enough for me to hear the roar of the engine or hear footsteps. Overall, the Game EQ setting is solid. Not having enough bass just could not cope with me, and sometimes, the highs were a bit too bright.


*Hallelujah, Hallelujah, HALLE-LUU-JAH*

As you can see, you can guess which one was my personal favorite. Movie EQ lowers the mids but highs and lows stay the same. Madden 13's Demo definitley showcased how well the sound was. Jim Nantz and Phil Simms were clearer, audibles could be heard more easily, and crowd's did feel more expansive. Other games like Call of Duty and Hydro Thunder sounded better overall. Footsteps were easier to hear, and the roar of the engines were more smooth. Overall, Movie EQ was fun to listen too, and my recommended setting for the Warhead.

Overall, the Sound Quality is deserving of the $300 Price Tag, but the A50 definitely is a superior choice, and, to an extent, the XP500 (Emphasis on "extent").

As for the Microphone, it performed well. My teamates could always hear me and there was little to no static during playback or testing. When using the Selectable Voice Monitoring, hearing myself saved me from shouting into the mic, but it does pick up some background noise. Thankfully though, it was not appearent to my teamates or me. Although SVM does not have a volume ruler for it, it is not much of a deal breaker.


So, with all of these categories done, it is time for the ratings.

Out-of-the-Box and Look

Result: 3.5/5

The Warhead feels like $300, but certain elements, along with standard fare packaging, keeps this Headset from earning anything higher, but the look of the Base Station and Headset definitley is its saving grace.

Setup and Layout

Result: 4.5/5

I did enjoy myself with the Warhead's setup. It is the best Wireless Headsets to setup, and boasts the best battery life. Nothing even comes close.


Result: 4/5

While it does haven some quibbles here and there, the Warhead's 50mm provide a very spacious feeling. Not as good as the A50's, but usually better than the XP500. Mic quality is the same story, although it is better than the XP500. (Again, High Emphasis on "usually").

Closing Comments:

Is it safe to say Tritton has finally done it? After so many backfires on the old AX Series, the Warhead just might be Tritton's long, lost answer to their enemy, ASTRO Gaming. While it does not have Cross-Compatibilty like the A50 or XP500, it is the World's First "Truly Wireless" Headset, and major headphone companies better take notice quick, as Tritton has a commanding lead. If you only game on the Xbox 360, and in dire need of a headset, Tritton's Warhead will make sure you are satisfied.

Overall, I am giving the Warhead a four out of five stars rating.

Well, this has been D-Day1944, and thank you for reading. I hope you join me next time were we will take a look at the Astro A40 Gaming Wired System. Personally, I think this review is long overdue.

Again, this is D-Day1944, signing off.

View the original article here

Kamis, 20 Februari 2014

MICROSOFT XBOX 360 KINECT SENSOR (Video Game) newly tagged "xbox 360"

The kinect is a peripheral for the XBox, but it can also be used with your PC if you're a programmer.

It's fair sized, with an integrated array microphone, infrared camera, and normal RGB camera. Still, I'm able to set it on my fireplace mantle beneath my LCD TV, no problem.

What does it do? Glad you asked! Hook this up to your xbox, and you can use it to control some of your xbox menu's and experiences. For example, on my 360 I use it sometimes to navigate menu's. There's also a bunch of games you can buy which are controlled by you standing up and making gestures - no physical controller needed! My favorites so far are the Kinect Adventures and Dance Central, I haven't tried many others.

Some warnings:
- you need space to use this thing. It seems to like you to be between 6' and 10' from the sensor.
- You use it standing up, and it needs to be able to see your whole body. So, don't try to play with a table between you and the kinect.
- Make sure you have room to flail around. It's easy to get into a game and forget how close you are to that priceless ming vase.

If you are a programmer, you can also play around with the kinect on your PC. There's an SDK which lets you get the depth and RGB video streams as well as audio. Works great! You can see lots of videos on youtube too if you look for 'kinect windows' or 'kinect demo' - look at the more recent stuff. You can find the SDK by searching for 'kinect sdk download'

The kinect uses a USB port. On the newest XBox-360's, there's a dedicated port with enough power on the back. You can use the kinect with older XBoxes and PC's as well, but you have to use an optional power adapter that comes with it.

View the original article here

Rabu, 19 Februari 2014

Assassin's Creed 2 (Original Edition) (Video Game) newly tagged "xbox 360"

The second installment of the Assassin's Creed series for Xbox 360, AC II begins the story of Ezio Auditore and his adventures in Italy.

Obviously if you want to know more about the game, check out gaming review websites for more in depth reviews, but from my perspective this is an amazing game that you will be consumed in for hours upon hours.

The reason I love Assassin's Creed is because of the beauty and open-world feel of the game. There is no doubt that the AC series has some of the most amazing and quality graphics out of any game - and AC II shows this exceptionally. Also, it's not just a game where you go from point A to B, you have the option of doing the main storyline, or many side missions on the way.

All in all, one of my favorite games of all time, you will love it as well.

View the original article here

Selasa, 18 Februari 2014

DreamGEAR TriMount (Accessory) newly tagged "xbox 360"

trimount Fits Securely to the Top of your Flat Screen TVdetails

TriMount is the all-in-one solution for the ultimate gamer. The TriMount
fits the Xbox 360 Kinect Sensor, PlayStation Eye and WiiSensor Bar firmly
and securely on top of your flat screen TV. This specialized mount includes
an adjustable screw that allows you to fit flat screen TVs up to 4 inches thick. In addition,
an optional wall mount is included to allow maximum flexibility to stay
organized. Keep the top of your TV from being cluttered with all the
cameras and sensors. Have a clean look with the TriMount by dreamGEAR.

• For use with Xbox 360 Kinect Sensor, PlayStation Eye and Wii Sensor Bar
• Sits securely on top of your flat screen TV
• Easily adjusts to fit flat screen TVs up to 4" thick.
• Keep the top of your TV from being cluttered
• Padded with foam to protect your TV

View the original article here

Senin, 17 Februari 2014

Mini Pro EX Controller for Xbox 360 - Green (Wired) (Accessory) newly tagged "xbox 360"

I've been wary of third-party controllers for the longest time. They generally fall short of the quality provided by the first-party standard, sometimes frustratingly so; mushy buttons or triggers, loose analogue sticks and easily broken bodies are to be expected when going with the (usually) cheaper alternative. From my time spent with Power A's Mini Pro Ex for the 360 -- about two-hundred or so hours, I can say that it has been a much more pleasant experience than what I'm familiar with.

A major selling-point to me was the decreased size of the controller; I found it to be a bit more comfortable to hold and play with for extended periods of time. My hands aren't tiny, mind you; nor are they fatigued by long hours of gaming, but the difference was noted. Ergonomics-wise, the Mini Pro is shaped nicely; it doesn't feel alien in the slightest and I didn't spend much time having to get used to the thing. Comparing it to Microsoft's default game pad, the EX is much slimmer and thus isn't as taxing to grip. In terms of length they're nearly identical, and the same goes for weight -- the device has a pleasantly solid feel to it.

Getting to the important bits: the analogue sticks are excellent. They're tight, responsive and produce a satisfying click when pushed in. The same can't be said for the digital pad, unfortunately; while precise enough for switching between items or various other simple functions like menu navigation, I can't recommend it for fighting games.

Moving onward: the face buttons work well but lack tactility; they sink in without either resounding audio cues or physical ones. They're not bad, but they're not particularly good either. The left and right bumpers are the exact opposite, having a nice give to them and responding with a little click.

The triggers are a bit weird for me, however: the left is perfectly fine and sinks-in without issue; but, the right has a bit of the before mentioned mushiness to it. It in isn't a fluid motion, and the difference between its counterpart can be distracting. Despite this the trigger still functions, but at the cost of sometimes breaking immersion for me.

Lastly, there's a button on the back of the controller that makes the face-buttons and bumpers glow, for whatever that's worth. There's also a slot for the 360's headset, and the 10-foot cord has a break-away portion to it in case its tripped over.

If anything takes a turn for the worse, I'll be sure to update the review. As it stands, the Power A Mini Pro EX is a less chunky alternative to Microsoft's own wired controller and a less expensive one to the wireless variety. Is it better than those two? No, but Power A has closed the gap between first-party and third-party controllers, at least a little, and that's much more than what I had anticipated.

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Minggu, 16 Februari 2014

Grand Theft Auto V - Xbox 360 (Video Game) newly tagged "xbox 360"

Grand Theft Auto 5 Swimsuit Logo

Los Santos: a sprawling sun-soaked metropolis full of self-help gurus, starlets, and fading celebrities, once the envy of the Western world, now struggling to stay afloat in an era of economic uncertainty and cheap reality TV.

Amidst the turmoil, three very different criminals plot their own chances of survival and success: Franklin, a former street gangster, now looking for real opportunities and serious money; Michael, a professional ex-con whose retirement is a lot less rosy than he hoped it would be; and Trevor, a violent maniac driven by the next big score. Running out of options, the crew risks everything in a series of daring and dangerous heists that could set them up for life.

The biggest, most dynamic and most diverse open world ever created, Grand Theft Auto V blends storytelling and gameplay in new ways as players repeatedly jump in and out of the lives of the game's three lead characters, playing all sides of the game's interwoven story.

All the classic hallmarks of the groundbreaking series return, including incredible attention to detail and Grand Theft Auto's darkly humorous take on modern culture, alongside a brand new and ambitious approach to open world multiplayer.

Developed by series creators Rockstar North, Grand Theft Auto V will be available worldwide for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

Los Santos and Blaine County - The largest open world yet in a Grand Theft Auto title, spanning vastly diverse cultural and geographical areas - the entire world of Grand Theft Auto V is open from the very beginning of the game to explore. Visitors to the greater metropolis of Los Santos and the countryside of Blaine County will encounter faded celebrities, party people, hikers, bikers, and every other manner of colorful denizen. You'll be able to traverse everywhere from the tops of the mountains, through the streets of Los Santos and to the depths of the ocean floor.

Michael, Franklin and Trevor - Three playable protagonists - Michael, Franklin, and Trevor may live in different parts of town, have their own issues, attitudes, lifestyles, desires and goals - but they do know how to work together. They also each have their own unique skillsets to bring to the table when it's time to get the job done.

Heists - Petty crimes, hustling, and stealing cars can only get you so far in Los Santos. To score big, Michael, Franklin and Trevor will work together to pull off grand Heists - big, multi-part missions that require careful preparation, recruiting, and precise (and often explosive) execution. Cash is king in GTAV and while there will be plenty of ways to acquire and spend it - heists are the way to earn the big bucks.

'Recreational' Activity - The open world of Grand Theft Auto V is not just massive in scale, but will offer more to get into than ever before. For recreation, play a bit of golf or tennis, zen out with some yoga or cycle through the countryside. For adrenaline heads, parachute over the city, or customize your Cheetah and take it to the streets to race suckers for money. Or earn cash the old fashioned way, by taking it - whether by ripping off liquor stores or by buying and taking over businesses that will earn you dividends. Even minding your own business having a stroll you may meet one of Los Santos' weirdos or starlets and find yourself off on a wild misadventure you never expected.

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Unknown Grand, newly, tagged, Theft, Video
Sabtu, 15 Februari 2014

Dragon Ball Z Budokai HD Collection - Xbox 360 (Video Game) newly tagged "xbox 360"

there's no movie characters like janemba, cooler, bojack, or broly, so that pretty much sums up the game besides that you can get super sayian for the characters that can use it, but the only character that can go past that is teen gohan due to the cell fight he can go super sayian 2, goku's is kind of ridiculous because you have to go kaokin (sp?) x5 then x10 then x15 then x20 to turn super sayian.

Dragon ball z budokai 2:

Dragon Ball z Budokai 3:
ahhhhh now this game brought me back some fierce nostalgia, put plan and simple it was awesome, controls are so much easier than the first, (i least i thought so) and the graphics look amazing. Now it doesn't really have a set storyline, you can be goku and go through his major points like vegeta, frieza, cell, and buu, but then you have krillin which will go through vegeta and frieza, and other characters like vegeta, tien, yamcha, kid/teen/adult gohan and a couple others, you fly around a map and go to each destination and fight whoever you need to fight, you can also go looking for dragon balls and unlock new content on your second playthrough of a certain character, so say you're goku, you can go through the main story actually you have to the first time, the second time you can kind of go off track, like instead of fighting frieza you can fight cooler, instead of buu you can fight broly, but you have to explore the areas that aren't regular destinations. all while leveling up your character, there's health, attack, ki, defense, etc. that's how your characters get stronger. After you beat the story with all the characters (Uub and broly included) you can unlock all the characters and fight in the martial arts tournament once again, same levels and same amount of matches as the first budokai, only difference with this one is that they included the cell games as the tournament after the advanced, i personally like it better because there's no ring out, you need to get your opponents health to 0. They also have the red ribbon tower (forgot what it was officially called) where you can put you leveled character and just fight against opponents of multiple levels, you have to go here to unlock 3 main things: Cell games, saibamen, and cell jr, granted the characters aren't very good you still need them to unlock everyone to get an achievement. The part i absolutely love about this game is all the characters, now they don't have janemba or bojack or android 13, but they have all the main characters from each saga, including goku, vegeta, piccolo, gohan kid teen and adult, frieza, cooler, cell, androids 16-20, majin buu fat skinny and kid, broly, uub, trunks kid and future, supreme kai, omega shenron, and a couple more i didn't mention, you can get most of the transformations of each character, goku can go all the way to ss4 as can vegeta, all forms of cell and frieza and majin buu, and you even get fusion for gotenks, vegito, ss gogeta, and my favorite ss4 gogeta. Budokai 3 reminded me of how much i loved dragon ball z and i'm very happy i bought it.

There is no multiplayer for this game but i honestly don't think it needs it, call a friend over and play together, not everything relies on online multiplayer, if there was the achievements would be way harder to get.

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Jumat, 14 Februari 2014

FIFA Soccer 13 - Xbox 360 (Video Game) newly tagged "xbox 360"

These in-game bonuses range from things like increased coins per FUT games, "financial takeovers" where your club in manager mode is bought and you get a large sum of money to spend, etc. The `selection was awfully disappointing and I'm hoping they add throughout the year.

New Teams = Basically all of the same leagues and clubs from last year with the exception that they added the Saudi league.
New Stadium = They added White Hart Lane and King Fahd Stadium but lost Nou Camp

International Manager = This is built into the manager mode where your performance at your club will attract offers from many National teams. You would then be manager of a club and an international team simultaneously. As the IT manager you get to select your 25 man team from the entire pool of international players and then play all the friendlies, qualifies, and tournament matches.

Manager Mode= They added in fake World Cup, Euros, and other tournaments. Also you can now play their fake Champions/Europa league in the first season rather than wait until the second.

Transfers = The transfers system is given a face lift. The transfer screen is now a note book where you are given new options when buying and selling players. When attempting to buy a player, you may "enquire" about them from their clubs as to whether they would sell the player and also how much you would have to offer them. You're also allowed to include players when trying to buy.
When selling/buying a player, you are told a range of how much the player is worth or how much you should offer depending on the player's form. I read that they tried to cut back on the ridiculous transfers, especially in the first transfer window of each season... THEY DIDN'T. There is still massive movement between big time players; for example, Higuain to Inter, Ozil to Chelsea, Prince-Boateng to Man City. Every transfer window afterwards continues the trend.

Match day = A nice addition. If you're not into playing season mode or ultimate team.. then whenever you play a match day game.. commentary and players ratings will be affected by their real life counterparts. I always hated hearing the same commentary for a year and I think that with this new addition it will lessen the game from getting stale.

Animations = They added a few new player celebrations which I didn't really care for but they did include more realistic player celebrations, albeit, only between two players where they will embrace like they did in real life.

Impact Engine = This was a great addition to Fifa 12 and in this year's rendition they improved the physics and removed the comical flopping.

Skills Games = They added 8 "mini games" with a variety of objectives ranging from chip shots, penalty shots, passing, dribbling, etc.

Layout/presentation = They changed the presentation this year but I could not have cared less. The presentation now includes a soccer ball in the background that opens and closes whenever you select things; also when you start games the opening presentations include the clubs badges on these soccer balls that open and close, etc. You have to see for yourself.

Conclusion: I think that EA was especially conservative this year. They opted to "perfect" (or at least try to) rather than innovate with another truly new feature. Gameplay is more fun with the "one-touch" because mistakes can become costly or rewarding and it adds another variable onto the pitch. The improved impact engine makes the player collision look very life-like and because they took out the crazy flopping makes it that much more realistic. Although with yet another yearly game, I find that EA has either given up or been too cheap to add new leagues to the game. They also need to add more stadiums. How can they go through each year and add one league or 1-2 new stadium? My biggest gripe is that I'm a shoe buff and to see only 4 pairs of Nikes and only 5 pairs of adidas (albeit in several more colors)? This is why I like 2K sports more than EA sports, they is no stone they leave unturned. With that all said, if you are playing Fifa 12 and completely satisfied with it, you probably should not fork over another 60 bucks to get Fifa 13. There are no game-changing new features that will make you throw your money at them. However, if the gameplay from Fifa 12 left you annoyed or unhappy, then Fifa 13 is worth getting because EA tried to fix the rough patches. Personally to me, this game is Fifa 12.5. But at least EA is making their Fifa franchise better every year and not letting them regress like NCAA and Madden. Cheers.

-1st touch control +++
-Better manager mode ++
-More realistic Impact Engine ++
-Skills games +++
-Match day games +

-Lack of new teams, especially South American leagues and the Turkish league
-Lack of boots
-EAS FC catalog was a huge disappointment in the selection available
-Still no licenses to major tournaments
-No innovative new features

-The more I play the Skills challenges, the more I enjoy them. Each of them: the penalty shootout, passing, dribbling drills, etc help a certain part of your game that you would not really have had a chance to PRACTICE otherwise. What did Fifa have before? The practice arena where you're literally mashing buttons to try moves and ultimately just fool around? Not every one is a pro when it comes to this game and EA actually came up with a good idea to help newer and less experienced players become BETTER at the game they made. Kudos for that.
-I find it especially annoying during Manager mode when a robotic British voice reads off the scores of games that are not my own, but simply the ones in the same league. I don't really care to hear a creepy voice talk when I'm playing.. I haven't found a way to disable this.
-Resigning players has reverted back to before Fifa 12. By this I mean your players will NOT accept your offers no matter how much money you offer if you do NOT offer them the years they "want". So if you want to lock up your stars, you're not going to be able to. This minor detail annoys me because when you offer them extensions and they don't sign, then the fake news reel goes BALLISTIC and says, "oh, Xavi is refusing to resign with Barca"...... SMH like that crap would really happen.
-I take back the whole "EA removed the comical player collisions". They DIDNT. It does happen RARELY but I just saw Messi get KNEED and fly 10 yards in the other direction.

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Unknown newly, Soccer, tagged, Video
Kamis, 13 Februari 2014

DeadPool - Xbox 360 (Video Game) newly tagged "xbox 360"

Speaking as someone who isn't much into comics or very knowledgeable on the Deadpool character, I honestly didn't know how I'd feel about this game. However, since humorous games are such a rare thing and rarely ever done well, I wanted to try out Deadpool. And honestly, I had faith in High Moon Studios. I'm glad to say, though, that my faith wasn't misplaced. Deadpool is hilariously raunchy and downright fun.

Graphically speaking, the game looks pretty good. Granted, it surely won't win any awards for its visuals, but it's a pleasant enough looking game overall. I like how you can see Deadpool's mouth animating under his mask, which is a nice touch. It's running on the Unreal Engine 3, so it looks similar to the Cybertron games made by High Moon.

As for voice acting and the overall production values, Deadpool nails it. This game is hilarious and has a lot of nice little touches.

The story, however, is the star of the show; it's just a really funny game that reminds me somewhat of The Mask. This game has a lot of potty language and humor, but it totally nails it. Sure, it's a bit immature, but that's what's so fun about it. It's goofy and doesn't take itself seriously at all.

The gameplay is serviceable. While it's certainly not the most polished and refined action game that would rank up there with the smooth action of a Bayonetta or Ninja Gaiden, both the melee and gun combat work well enough and can be seamlessly combined to make for a fun gameplay experience. The best thing here is the variety in the gameplay. There are bits of the game where you're jumping around like in platforming games, playing in what resembles NES Zelda, etc.

Deadpool is rarity. It's not often that we get games this absurd. I honestly prefer Deadpool to both of the Cybertron games, which I also really enjoy. But Deadpool is fun and ridiculous in all the right ways.

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Unknown DeadPool, newly, tagged, Video
Rabu, 12 Februari 2014

Clantacular Blueprint: Starting A Successful Gaming Clan (Kindle Edition) newly tagged "xbox 360"

Since 2006, Clantacular has helped hundreds, if not thousands of new clans start from scratch and work their way into competitive gaming. Witnessing all of the pitfalls, break ups and quite a few successful clans do quite well professionally, Clantacular has become one of the leading multi-clan communities for competitive and recreational clans to socialize and party up. Many members who grew up using Clantacular years ago, even made it into the professional gaming arenas and now manage pro league teams.

This ebook is considered our blueprint for starting a successful clan based on years of experience and all of the time we have invested in developing exceptional gaming clans.

The ebook covers;

I. History of Clantacular
II. Will You Make a Good Clan Leader?
III. Types of Clans
a. Competitive Clans
b. Recreational Clans
c. Hybrid Clans
IV. Creating a Clan
a. Creating a Clan Name
b. Creating a Clan Logo & Choosing Clan Colors
c. Creating the Clan’s Code of Ethics & Rules
V. Clan Websites and Online Groups
a. Free Clan Website and Group Resources
i. Clantacular.com
ii. Enjin.com
b. Building Your Own Website
c. Registering a Domain and Hosting
d. Promoting your Clan Website
VI. Recruiting staff and clan members
a. Importance of Recruiting Staff
b. Selecting your Recruiting Staff
c. Choosing the Right Clan Members
VII. Clan training and schedules
VIII. Creating Strategies
IX. Playing Clan Matches
X. Pitfalls, Rebellions, and Drama

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Selasa, 11 Februari 2014

BlueProton SDXC USB 2.0 6-in-1 Single Slot Memory Card Reader Writer for SD MiniSD MMC rsMMC (BLACK) (Personal Computers) newly tagged "xbox 360"

I got this as "freebie" with a 16GB card. Mine has the red "working light", which is handy to remind me I've got a removable device attached.

Vista reacts a bit strangely to it with requests to "insert media", but if you ignore that (like you ignore most of Vista's overkill granny messages), it works fine as a removable drive. (I don't swap cards when it is in the laptop, so don't know if that in fact works.) Mostly use it with the same card in it.
Seems to be quite fast and reliable.

However, like others, I'm a bit queasy about the construction: the plastic case is extremely thin; if you even lightly pinch the case in the middle over the circuitry, it gives and "crackles". The edges where the caps fit and card is inserted are also very thin and look like they'd be easily chipped.

The caps are easily lost/misplaced (I've had to search through the covers when using laptop in bed and absentmindedly put cap down on the bed instead of night table. Thankfully, I don't have a cat, which would probably think the cap was a great toy.) Also the caps pull off very easily; I keep the device in a small pocket in my laptop case, and sometimes the cap comes off when I pull the device out and it happens that I've only got hold of the cap.

I also tend to try to insert it in the port upside down half the time.

And it was just shipped in a light bubblewrap envelope, little protection considering how the thing probably wouldn't survive much pressure on the sides. Like other reviewers, I'm not impressed with the shipping practices.

I might get another if it were a freebie again, and the shipping & handling weren't outrageous.

View the original article here

Senin, 20 Januari 2014

Beautiful Minimalist home

Beautiful Minimalist home

Beautiful Minimalist home
Beautiful minimalist home design todaywill be easily metfrom a variety of media, one of which is the Internet, and for those of youwho are looking for inspiration to build a house then it would facilitate and help. Who says a simpleminimalist home can not have a beautiful view? This can be achieved of course witha proper designhouse designs and fine detail. A minimalist home will usually have the shape of the building is not too large, because a largebuilding that housesit is definitely not a pretty simple home again.

Today the availability of land to build a house is already very limited , especially in urban areas are already starting level of its residential solid enough . It will sometimes be an obstacle for some people when going to build a dream home . But for some people who have a solid aktfitas in their daily lives , it is not be a problem because of the care of a small house will make them much easier . Because a minimalist home will be more emphasis on the function of the house itself , while the decorations will adjust from the design which emphasizes the function .
Beautiful Minimalist homeIn a modern minimalist design beautiful house not only the visual aspects or functions that must be considered , so that the house is comfortable when in the habitable then we must pay attention to the health aspects of the house . Like the layout of the right window to get sunlight into the house , as well as the layout of vents for air circulation inside the house can run well . By doing so we too can have a home that is not only beautiful , but we also can have a healthy home .

Similarly, over the last's a little review on a beautiful minimalisthouse design which is not only beautiful but alsohealthy, hopefully slightly above earlier reviewcan be a source of information thatcan be useful for you all.