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Defiance - Xbox 360 (Video Game) newly tagged "xbox 360"

The NICE thing is the cut scenes (cinematic events developed with the game engine) include your character in them. It includes what you look like, what you're wearing, and everything you have chosen as features when you develop your character in the "Character Creation" mode. The story line (without spoiling anything) is in my opinion gripping enough to keep you occupied and involved.
-The Bad: The game gives you the ability to play "some" of the story missions with friends. In order to achieve this the User Interface allows you to "group" with friends in the game and play that mission when launched together as a team by the "group leader". This function is constantly broken and constantly members of your group cannot see you, see eachother, and end up in an identical environment but in a separate world. This leads to people not being able to play mission together despite the menu having a "Join Phase" option that when selected will re-spawn your character hopefully in the same world as the player you cant see... more times than not just completely failing to function. This also fails to function in Episode Missions AND Side Missions.
-You can pick from: Human Male, Human Female, Alien Male, Alien Female.
-Hair and hair color, Nose, Eyes, Facial structure, Mouth/Lips, Facial scars, Facial/Body tattoos... are all included in the character generator. The options available are enough to distinguish who you create, but are not vast enough to keep people from all picking the same "cool looking" hair style or "cool looking" tattoos. So keep in mind when creating your character that the one or two tattoos for the class your considering... alot of people may pick that too. There are four classes. Veteran, Survivalist, Machinist, and Outlaw. Picking one does not appear to have any "huge" impact on the storyline, nor does it appear to differentiate your in-game skills which develop later from a skill tree of WELL OVER 80 skills. The skills you pick can be leveled up more than once to increase their effectiveness. The skill tree does offer the ability to reset and rearrange it, although I have not done so yet.
-The Bad: A character class is relevant to nothing but the gun you start with in the game.

The Good:-Pistols and magnums, shotguns and sawed off shotguns, assault rifles and light machine guns, submachine guns and high magazine auto pistols, grenade launchers and rocket launchers and MORE... can all have up to 4 attachments IF you find the attachments for the weapons you like. Those attachments are: Scopes, Stocks, Magazines, and Barrels.
-Weapons also can be found or bought in the world WITH "synergy bonuses".
-Attachments go on weapons into Slots. Attachments can be found or bought in the world WITH "synergy bonuses".
-Both weapons AND attachments can be found or bought with elemental damages which apply to weapons.

The Bad: -Slots can be placed on weapons when you reach the required level. That required level changes based on Trions currentlt running hotfix or patch version. So if you have a weapon with no slots you can place slots on that weapon by paying a form of in-game money (Ark Salvage). This has become a problem, because through various updated patches the expense of placing slots on weapons has gone from more than double what it use to cost, on top of the fact that as you level up in the game, the costs to place slots goes up as well. The base stats on all weapons remain static and don't change no matter your level. The more you level, the more salvage is required to modify a weapon, the more you modify it the more it requires to BE "modified", and after achieving the max modifications of a weapon the changes made are literally and mathematically so small that they would go unnoticed if compaired to another weapon never modified at all. So the bottom line is the weapon modification system is completely a waste of time.
The WORSE: - the items in this game known as "Orange Items" which would be considered as the "Most rare" are primarily obtainable by paying REAL money into a roulette reward system. Whether you are on the official forums, youtube, wherever... Trion Worlds has designed the game to clearly benefit those willing to pay real money and reward them with items in game that have "Bonus Statistics". These purchases are made with "Bits". "Bits" are bought with "Microsoft Points", "Microsoft Points" are bought with real money. These bonus statistics are so small and minute that when compared to weapons in game without those bonuses you would never know they exist. Im talking differences that are 1 tenth of a whole number. A simple example would be a gun with a firerate of 10. If you pay Trion real money you may get a gun that has a fire rate of 11.2 at most. The longer the game has been out, the more expensive Trion has made in-game costs. The higher the costs, the less you can do, the less you can do, the more inventory you have to carry, and for that they sell space via BITS so you can carry more. Its disgusting.

--GAMEPLAY--(Was fun, until Trion clearly stopped caring and got greedy).
-During the game dynamic events called "Ark Falls" transpire. Ark Falls are when pieces of major objects orbiting the planet fall to the Earth carrying with them technology that upgrades your weapons. Trion has INCREASED everything it costs in the game to "play" the game, and DECREASED the ratio at which what you need to pay in the game is obtained via their patches.... unless you buy it using real money.
-During gameplay you will regularly get kicked from Trions servers with notifications stating "Your connection to our servers has timed out".
-During gameplay you will regularly lose your ability to see your friends IN the game. The option/s in place to resolve this issue has not resolved it since launch day.
-During gameplay the current patches have devised a system by which you are forcibly stuck with an extremely poor UI and an overwhelming amount of items that are designed to clearly take up your inventory space, only providing you with an option to pay real money to buy that space via microtransactions.
-There is no ability to play the game "IF" you cannot SUCCESSFULLY achieve updating your console with the most current patches from Trion Worlds Inc. Normally a patch takes 2-3 HOURS to download (regardless of your connection speed Trion has set pre-set speeds at which your download is achievable from them). These patches, taking 2-3 hours each, transpire at minimum every 2 weeks. That's not including random server down times from server crashes, server maintenance, server resets, and randomly scheduled hot fixes for their servers that despite saying "will not interfere with your gameplay" on their main web page, disconnects everyone from their servers for up to 12 hours at a time.
This game "WAS", and Im saying "WAS" playable within the first 30 days of its launch date. But as of now, this game is regularly dysfunctional at best. I severely recommend you NOT buy this game. It was a purchase worth making when it first came out, but due to the current IP laws and how this developer has changed the functionality of this product POST-launch it is NO LONGER a game worth recommending. It saddens me when Developers take advantage of IP laws and manipulate a consumers purchase post-sale in an attempt to trap them into paying more money in order to utilize their purchase. Not only do I not recommend the game, I don't recommend the developer for any game they will ever make.

View the original article here

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Ditulis oleh: Unknown - Minggu, 23 Februari 2014

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